Beat The Burnout

Stress is one thing we wear like a badge and roam around. When it comes to health we often take care of our food choices or exercise regime but we never think about the other aspects that affect our health like sleep, morning routine , bedtime routine, and the most common but most neglected STRESS!

Our brain has a stress sensor called the hypothalamus and when this gets activated it creates a hormonal cascade by first signalling the pituitary which then signals the adrenal glands which are present on top of the kidneys. This is called the HPA index or hypothalamus-pituitary- adrenal index which is an extremely important feedback system . The adrenals are the responsible ones for many hormones mainly adrenaline and cortisol our stress hormones.

Why did I go on about so much scientific gyan? Well, when we go through a continuous period of stress the HPA axis becomes dysfunctional leading to adrenal fatigue or what we call as BURNOUT.

When cortisol is all over the place nutrients are depleted, fatigues, insomnia, body tissue can breakdown, mood disturbances and so much more.

Most important one that goes for a toss is our digestion.

What can we do to actually BEAT THE BURNOUT?

Cortisol creates an imbalance in our blood sugar levels and that is the first thing we need to take care of.

This is the main reason you would notice that when you are down you want to eat all the wrong foods!

Taking care of your nutritional needs are of utmost importance during these times.

Eat every 2-3 hours, don’t skip your breakfast and make sure to include small meals in between to keep your energy up.

Nutritional tips to help with burnout

 Eat complex carbohydrates

– Consume soups and warm drinks

– Reduce caffeine

– Include Adaptogens [herbs that have properties to help balance out your hormones]

– Opt for foods with healthy fats [nuts especially]

– Add high-fibre fruits and seasonal vegetables to your diet

– Include protein and magnesium in your diet

– Enjoy a bedtime glass of milk

Alright, so you got your food in order but that’s just a percentage of the overall process.

Something we do not do is actually make ourselves a priority. We will always be available for our work, our family or our friends but never available for the one thing that supports you, our body & mind.

Reflect on these questions, it will automatically help you realise how we truly make ourselves a priority:

Do you exercise regularly?

Are you making healthy food choices?

Do you place high expectations on others or yourself?

Do you react with highs or lows with others?

Do you often obsess with one aspect of your life? [work/health/relationship]

Do you schedule and spend time with yourself or your family?

Is sleep a priority for you?

Creating self-awareness and taking time out to reflect on how you feel atleast 2-3 times a week will really help set a routine.

Be more proactive and set some boundaries, reclaim your personal time be it weekends or end of the day and do activities that make you feel good!

Do things for the sake of joy. We do not always need an end result to enjoy life.

Reflect, Rejuvenate and Recover!

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