How to quit the diet mentality

How would you feel, if I tell you that you never have to diet again? Are you scared of hearing this? From news to social media to our close ones, we are constantly bombarded with information on diet. Everyone becomes an expert except our own selves when it comes to doing what is right for our body.

60 to 95% of people on a diet are not able to keep off the weight long-term because most diets are punishing and yet we do it as we are more obligated to society to look and feel a certain way. What ends up happening is that we feel worse about ourselves but we still keep going back for more even though we know that “diets” set us up to fail. The only thing that happens is that we end up losing ourselves instead of the weight. I always tell my clients “No food is good or bad, it is our choices that make the difference.” While consulting my clients I help them step away from the diet mentality and embrace a more happy and gentle meal plan and lifestyle where they don’t have to fear food and eating.

Where it is okay to listen to your body and eat when you are hungry and where no foods are on a “don’t list.”

Yes, there are certain principles and rules we have to follow if we want to look after our health but remember it has to be as per your body and the point is to learn the whys, what’s and hows rather than blindly following something.

Having said all of the above, it is difficult for most of us to still let go of this mindset, partly because we don’t know what to think, feel or do instead. It is indeed very hard to change our behaviors but no one should feel ashamed to ask for help.

“It is okay to fail, learn from the experiences, and get back up to do the right thing by your body!”

Now how do we actually start our journey toward this? Here are 5 basic necessities below to help you towards freeing this mindset:

  1. From this second on, no food is off-limits

Remember how when we were kids and our parents used to tell us no we cannot have that and in turn, we would only want it more?

Well, we all still are children in our hearts so don’t restrict yourself because it will only make you crave that food more. Instead under the guidance of a nutritionist learn how to eat according to your body while not restricting yourself to the foods you enjoy.

2. Get back to the roots

Choose your local, seasonal, and cultural foods. In doing this we not only help ourselves but also our beautiful planet.It’s fresh, tastes better, great for the local economy, and keeps your system supported during the changes in season.

3. Reacquaint with your hunger-to-fullness cues

Studies show that chronic dieters cannot feel this ratio anymore. Due to the diet culture, people are actually afraid of the word hunger!

Hunger is a physiological reaction so don’t be scared of it. Learn how to eat, when to eat, and when to stop eating and live by the hunger scale, not the weighing one. Start eating when you slowly start feeling the slightest bit of a hunger pang; don’t wait till it’s the full-blown version and stop eating when you are just about full to ensure that you leave enough space for the body to work on digestion in an optimal way.

4. Don’t self-sabotage aka don’t let others’ mentality or lifestyle get to yours

To each one their own! So trust yourself that you made the right decision for making peace with your body and mind.

Know that it is completely okay if you slip, just remember to get back on track the next day. Don’t punish yourself for having an ice cream by working out extra the next day.

Accept, be happy, and get back on the horse!

Self-sabotage will increase stress, stress, in turn, will make your body’s functions haywire and hence back to square one with the weight.

5. Deal with your inner demons

More often than not our problems with food aren’t the food but our emotions. We are told that it is a sign of weakness to talk about your feelings. And who made them the boss of your life?

Talk about your feelings instead of eating them away. Find activities that help you center yourself and reflect in turn coming to a solution.

Ask for help, don’t shy away, and bury your emotions because that is not going to do your health any good.

Know that getting rid of this mentality is a process hence make small changes and go at your own speed. Figure out the “why” part and the rest all will fall in its place.

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