About Gut Guru Swetha Ashok

"Solution to all your problem lie in the Gut"

Swetha comes from a background of biochemistry, microbiology, and nutrition which helps her understand physiology, gut health and bacteria, and how balanced meals play an important role in nourishment.

She has worked with clients across the world tackling weight worries and lifestyle management, all while consulting remotely out of the city of Mumbai.

She possesses robust knowledge on the pillars of basic nutrition, hence bringing the very fiber of value-addition with her counsel, and believes in not just prescribing incomprehensible dietary practices, but in educating on the WHATs and HOWs about the meal, increasing awareness about the intrinsic relationship between food, mind, and body.

She strives to maintain strong interpersonal relationships with every individual under her care, progressively breaking rampant nutrition myths, aiding in the discipline through well-motivated for portion control, educating on better choices, helping you adapt to challenging lifestyle changes and complementing dietary efforts with exercise.

She reminds her circles that transformation is not a slave to short-lived will, but a willing-follower of mindful habits.

Everyone has a story, and here is mine!

Swetha has been an integral part of the corporate world for over 8 years.
I started as a research assistant at the Institute of Chemical technology in collaboration with Science for Society and National institute of Nutrition and soon moved on to working for a corporate nutrition company.

All this motivated me to want to reach out to people and truly help them discover their full potential by being able to focus on their health and work too. I started my own private practice in 2019 and have been helping people since then with various disorders and health problems like Thyroid, diabetes, PCOS, Hypertension, weight management and women’s health. While working with them personally, I also have come to the realization that each one needs to learn to be health independent. Hence I have also started conducting workshops and challenges to educate people on getting rid of the diet mentality.

My inspiration stems from my own struggles of asthma, digestive issues, skinny teenage years, weight gain after marriage and stress. I suffered from dysmenorrhea and severe PMS for the longest time and every improvement I did day to day took me to a better place in my menstrual cycle.

Huge reason for most of our issues are because of the troubles in our gut.

Thus thegutguru was born with an intention to enhance your digestive system and get to the root cause of all your health problems.

Ready To Transform Your Health

Swetha consults only through appointments, and working with us is a 2 step process.




Joining the program

Pre-consultation Session is a 30 mins session with Swetha where you discuss your labwork, your case, your health objectives, your health history, current symptoms, and anything else that you wish to share or ask, before embarking on a program with us.

This session is a must to book, for anyone who wants to work with us. Swetha will answer all your questions in this session and give you the time and costs involved in your case.


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